Dog on wheels in Adventdalen

Arranged by Svalbard Husky AS

Our guides will pick you up at the hotel before you go to the office and get appropriate clothing provided by us. After dressing we drive out to the dog yard and meet our dogs.

Here you will get an instruction on how to drive the cart and how to handle the dogs. On the cart you go together in pairs. When we are done with the instructions and all the dogs are put into the team we drive out into the arctic wilderness of Svalbard. Everyone drives equal amount of time as we switch half way.

When we are back in the dog yard we will put the dogs back to their houses and do some more activity in the yard before we drive back to the hotel.

We are looking forward to seeing you.

When there is no frost in the ground, we will be driving on the road. This is to follow the environmental law and to protect our vulnerable tundra here on Svalbard.

Period: June to November

Duration: 3,5 hours

Time:09:00 and 15:00

Price: NOK 1490,- per person.

Included: Transport to/from accommodation, accessories and clothing supply and guide with necessary safety equipment.

SValbard Husky trollcart 2

dogs on wheels Adventdalen

MG 2220








3,5 hours

